Choosing the right hose for your application.
On a December Trip to Las Vegas, we decided to check out the water levels of Lake Mead.
We were surprised by the water levels, and saw them for ourselves! It is eerily low, almost to the point where it feels apocalyptic.
While visiting the Marina, we noticed Jason Industrial Black/Green 2" 3080 Suction Hose, Band-it clamps, steel Dixon fittings, and a banjo shut off valve. This is used for sewage cleanout from houseboats.
We stumbled across the pump out station up the road from the marina... and they had two types of 4" hoses. One was Alfagoma T-202 EPDM wire inserted suction hose with Type E and Type C camlock attached... but strangely enough, there was Bostin Puma Petroleum (Tank Truck) hose laying on the ground. For those of you familiar with Petroleum hose, it is not good for sewage and the acids and chemicals in sewage will cause the hose to fail prematurely.
If you have a hose or hose product fail and you're not quite sure why, and it seems like it shouldn't have failed.... give us a call, and we'll see what we can do about getting you the right hose for the right application.
Thanks for being a Hose Warehouse customer :)
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